Standard Matte Text: Our Standard Matte Text is designed for color copies that demand a professional touch. This text-weight paper is versatile, making it perfect for a variety of business documents, including newsletters, booklets, and correspondence. The matte finish provides an excellent surface for vibrant color printing.
Standard Gloss Text: Choose Standard Gloss Text for color copies that pop with vibrancy. This text-weight paper is flexible and ideal for various business documents, offering a glossy finish that enhances the brilliance of your colors. Perfect for creating eye-catching newsletters, booklets, and more.
Standard Matte Cover: Elevate your color copies with Standard Matte Cover. This heavier-weight paper adds durability to your printed pieces, making it suitable for booklet/report covers and other applications where a stiffer paper is preferred. The matte finish ensures a refined and professional look.
Standard Gloss Cover: Opt for Standard Gloss Cover when you want your color copies to make a bold statement. This cover-weight paper is heavier, stiffer, and more durable, making it perfect for applications like posters, business cards, and postcards. The glossy finish adds a touch of sophistication to your vibrant prints.